Design Task Performance

Grade Level: 8th
Subject: Language Arts
Learning Target:

GPS: Edits writing to improve word choice, grammar, punctuation, etc.

ISTE: Select and use the appropriate tools and digital resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and to solve problems. (3,4,6)

The student will write an essay on a given topic. The students will use peer editing and self editing to specifically edit word choice, grammar, and punctuation. Students will use the ratiocination process paired with tools that are accessible through technology to create at least a second draft illustrating revisions made through the process. Student must show use of the following tools/technology commenting, highlighting, thesaurus, word find/word replace, spell check, grammar check, and ratiocination checklist.

Students are expected to turn in a final product composed of at least one rough draft and final draft. The rough draft will show signs of digital commenting and use of tools. b. Consider the knowledge students will have to have to do this performance.

Elements of knowledge this performance task will require.
The student will need basic knowledge of tool available in word processing. He/she will also need to know and understand how to use the ratiocination checklist. The student needs to be able to identify the elements of the ratiocination check within there own essay as well as their peers. The student must also be able to use and easily apply tools in word processing to highlight, and make changes within a document.
Provide some information about how will you teach the skills students need to do this performance task. Summarize the tasks that students will have learned before you require them to do this Performance Assessment. You might want to include information about how will you provide students with the practice they will need before you require them to complete this performance assessment task.

I will first poll the students using basic questioning as well as a survey to determine their skill level with word processing and the tools that go along with it. After gathering feedback I will create a lesson that allows brief teacher centered instruction but is followed by more elaborate small group peer focused instruction to allow for more specific trouble shooting while taping into student knowledge and numbers.

The ratiocination checklist will be taught by reading through and identifying these parts and working through each step as a class on the white board. Then student will work on a sample paper in pairs.
After noting adequate knowledge of both components students will work on their essay independently. Once students have completed their essay they will work in pair through the editing process using ratiocination and word processing technology and tools.d. Are there conditions that students need to adhere to? What are they? For example, do students have a time limit? Do they need to work alone or will they be required to work in groups?
Students will be working on a two week time line with short benchmarks to be met along the way. Students will work both independently and in groups.
Description of Assessment Design
How will you help students understand what it means to create a "good" product or performance? What scoring documents will you have or create? Will students help create the scoring guides for this assignment? Will you use any models to help them understand what it means to do a "good" performance or create a "good" product?

I will use exemplars on clearly defined levels to illustrate different levels of a final product. I will then give students samples and ask them to be the judge. Through class discussion we will compare and define specifically what the final product should look like. Students will have checklists and samples to ensure that the product is complete and aligns with the assignment. b.
How will you monitor students as they work on this performance assessment to be sure that the work they are doing is turning out "good"? Will you use a checklist, scoring guide or rubric? What procedures will you use?

I will check work through short term benchmarks throughout the two weeks. I will do little tickets out the door most days to check for understanding as well as monitor their checklist and progressing product. I will also give them the rubric that will be used to grade their final product.
What kind of a scoring document will you use to determine students' final grades on this task? Will you use a rubric or another kind of scoring guide?

I will use checklists to help students self monitor the process and a rubric to ensure that students clearly know the expectations and desired outcome. The rubric will be used to direct and score/grade their final product.

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